Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Oliva Rolls Over

Final post, I promise

This is the final post for the day, I promise. Olivia Joy has officially figured out how to roll from her belly to her back and she does it both directions. It is no longer just coincidence. She knows how to do it and intends to do it. We even got it on camera which was really exciting!

Oh my heart!

Skyler, my tender hearted boy; did the sweetest most thoughtful thing I have seen in a long time and it almost brought me to tears. He went to his little sister who he had not seen for 5 days and gave her a paper cut out heart that he had decorated at school and said, "Here Livi, I am giving you my heart." Then he turned to me and very sweetly said, "I decorated it just for her, I hope she likes it." I happen to know that she loves it and is a lucky lady to have the heart of such a caring, sweet brother.

Not a germ

So Wyatt, my imaginative child decided that he had a wishing rock and that he wanted to wake up the size of a germ tomorrow morning. That way, he can ride on his guinea pig "Matches." I was communicating my concerns with this wish. I said, "Wyatt I don't want you to wake up different. I don't know how to talk to fleas." He looked at me like I was absurd and in a very serious tone told me, "Don't worry Brittany, I am not going to be a flea, I am just going to be the size of a germ. There's a big difference." Whew! I was worried that I was losing my Wyatt forever.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Opposite Day

Wyatt was making a craft. He really likes making crafts. He drew a snowman and a heart and asked me which one I liked best. I said both and he told me to pick. This went back and forth for a few minutes. Finally I picked the snowman to complete his craft and he says, "Hmm I think I am just gonna go with the heart."

Shortly thereafter Wyatt asks me which flavor of ice cream is my favorite and I tell him Mint Chocolate Chip. He ponders this information and then decidedly says, "I'm just going to draw vanilla with a cherry."

Why even ask me?

Monday, February 8, 2010

Funny Kid

I was helping Wyatt with his reading and trying my hardest not to get frustrated when he was going slow. I finally said, "Wyatt, you better get with it or you are not going to get to play the wii." He very seriously says "Brittany, have you ever heard of a little thing called thinking? It is not easy." Point Taken.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Wyatt John on the first day of school and showing off his $2.00 bill from the tooth fairy for his first lost tooth.

Shea, Skyler and Alexandria on the first day of school!

Meet Olivia Joy
4 1/2 months old

Meet My Family

Meet my family,

Wesley Carlson and I met in the fall of 2006 and were married shortly thereafter in April of 2007. I inherited 4 kids on the 6th of April and have had the pleasure of helping raise them since. Just to give you a quick background on the members of our family

Wes- Recently lost 50 pounds and is obsessed with running. I don't complain ;) He is currently coaching the club wrestling for Snake River and so far is enjoying every minute of it. He is in the process of picking a pathway for school and will be going back to school to get his masters.

Brittany- Did not lose 50 pounds, but in my defense did have a baby! :) I work with Wes to keep the family up and running. I scrapbook and read in my spare time (which is minimal).

Alexandria- She is almost 12 and will be joining young womens. I am really excited for her, but Wes mostly just feels old. She is enjoying choir in school and takes piano lessons from her Aunt Kimmie. She babysits on most Mondays (unless she "forgets" to ride the bus home), and it great with younger children.

Shea-Just completed club basketball and is now in club wrestling. He is learning to play the Cello during his enrichment time at school and takes piano lessons from his Aunt Kimmie as well.

Skyler- Just began club wrestling and is quite the scrapper. His favorite thing to do is play video games and read. I know, one would never guess that the two go hand in hand.

Wyatt- What to say about Wyatt? He is quite a character. I could carry on a conversation with him all day. He questions everything and does not accept the general cop out answers. He is doing club wrestling as well and is quite excited because he has "really been lifting weights." I catch him lifting my 2 lb dumb bells all the time.

Olivia- Is 4 1/2 months and is becoming quite social. She does not like being alone and prefers to have someone to talk to at all times. She spends her days with her grandma and nana and is spoiled rotten. She is a very happy little girl and only cries when she is hungry.

That is our family. Enjoy!

New Blog

Since this is all the rage, I figured I would jump on the bandwagon and create one for my family. I will admit, I am a little hesitant. I am not exactly confident that I can keep up with it, but we will give it a shot.